The Best in the Game
Our Services
Our Team are experts in their field and are able to assist you achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Each matter is prepared thoroughly and personally for our clients.
It all begins from the moment police utter the words, “you are under arrest”. It is your right to remain silent. In the vast majority of circumstances, there is no obligation on you to answer police questions. The first thing you should do is remain calm and contact a competent lawyer. Our contact details are listed below and we would be more than happy to assist.
Bail/ Release Application
If you are refused police bail, you will be required to appear before the Local Court on the same day, or the following day. You should contact a lawyer and obtain legal advice. Sometimes, it is not in your best interest to apply for bail on the same day, especially if you are facing serious charges. We can organise and recommend the best barrister to appear on the day. We are well respected amongst our profession and have a broad array of expertise and experience to choose from. If you have already made a release application in the Local Court, speak to us about your options on applying a subsequent time for bail in the Local Court or lodging a Supreme Court Application. We can advise you as to the best possible way to prepare a strong bail application for you.
Whether you have been with us since your arrest, or whether you wish for us to look after your sentence proceedings; we know we can handle your case. Our experience and reach with barristers across the country will prepare you for a well represented legal team. We will prepare your matter in a meticulous fashion and guide you along the way. For sentenced offenders, we are known to advise and represent you upon consideration for parole.
Whether it be an appeal from the Local Court, District Court or the Supreme Court, no case is too difficult to handle. Every case is important and our professional advice is just as important for you. We regularly appear in appeal matters on our own or instructing a barrister where desired or appropriate. We have worked with the State’s top barristers and continue to have a strong relationship within the appellate jurisdiction. Book an appointment to speak to our lawyers.
Traffic Matters
Have you received a fine or need some advice about licensing and regulations? Our lawyers can represent you and best advise you how to tackle your case. We regularly appear in the Local Court in all traffic matters and would be more than happy to represent you.
Other Matters
Have a non-criminal matter or preparing for Parole? Our team can still assist you. We bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the firm and are eager to help you reach a resolution to your problem. We are always expanding our knowledge and keep abreast of the law. Should the matter require a barrister in a particular field of law, our team is able to secure counsel with specific expertise for your case. Come speak to us to find a solution fast.